Its October! Africa Update 🔆

In four weeks from now I’ll be in Uganda! Four weeks from today we will likely be settling in and preparing for our rural village health visits.

Life has finally begun to slow down a tad and I am so excited for our trip now! We have a team meeting on Saturday to go over logistics and work through our volunteering on short term missions book.

I keep remembering the early morning wake ups to the sound of our house mom singing, the Musana rooster, all of the Jesus focused days, the smiles on the little kids faces as we say hello and play with them, the African women and men who get to see a healthcare provider for the first time! My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to go back 🇺🇬

✅ Fundraising update:

I’m currently 64% funded. I’d like to get to at least 75% donation funded, and I will then be able to pay the final 25% on my own. I have another $200 donation from a family member coming my way & that will put me at 72%.

Would anyone like to jump on board and donate a bit to help me reach my goal?

By donating you’re obviously helping to send me to Africa to spend 10 days unpaid, volunteering in rural Uganda. But you’re also helping to further Musana’s mission which is to help create sustainability in an area where for so long, that was lacking by breaking the cycle of Ugandan dependency!! — all in the name of Jesus.


Things we do: deliver healthcare as a team to rural village people alongside Musana, a fully self-sustainable, non-profit organization that was started in part by two young college students from University of Colorado over 10 years ago. We check vital signs, assess, treat with medications we bring, refer to Musana hospital for follow up care if needed, test for malaria / HIV / hep B & treat and provide counseling services to those newly diagnosed with HIV. We provide education, wound care, women’s services…

What Musana is doing in Uganda is Christ centered and it’s remarkable. I’m so blessed to get to work with such an incredible, Jesus honoring organization.

Click here for my GoFundMe page for updates & to see progress:

Click here for a link to a page to make a tax-deductible donation:

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